A Unique Ecosystem

Burns Bog is a type of wetland called a raised bog. Wetlands are defined in Canada as “land that has the water table at, near, or above the land surface”. They are places where you would expect to find plants and animals that are adapted to a wet environment. There are five types of wetlands in the Canadian classification system: bog, fen, swamp, marsh and shallow open water.

A bog is a peatland, which is a special kind of wetland where at least 30 cm of peat (plant matter) has piled up because the very wet conditions have created an environment where decomposition is extremely slow.

Raised bogs get their name from the fact that the peat has piled up so high that the ground surface becomes raised above the local groundwater table. The bog becomes isolated from surrounding waters so that the only water entering the bog comes from precipitation (rain, snow and fog). Precipitation is low in nutrients and, consequently, so are bogs.

Read below to learn more about plants and wildlife that inhabit Burns Bog.

Did you know?

Burns Bog is one of a small number of SandHill Crane nesting sites in the Lower Mainland.


Burns Bog Flora and Fauna (June 17, 2014)

​Because Burns Bog has many hidden hazards, the only people allowed in are part of a small, essential workforce tasked with restoring and protecting this very special ecosystem.

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